Trump latest Remarks on Mexican wall – he is luvin it !!
Trump literally is leaving a mark on lovechild of US government, also popular as trump wall. But this dashing and deadly democratic American kim jon unn, is obsessed with power and media attention so as to keep him twitter busy.
The man knows quiet well to leave his LEGENDARY impression on THE wall by complex machines like Ballpen.
But, Trump did not get approval from the congress for wall fund. Approvals? What approvals? He keeps hearing this word from his nursery class and fails to understand it even now. Thus, Trump does what he thinks but the problem is of time spent on thinking on anything except for making america aka Trump (among his followers) great again. Like Trump buildings, there are holes around white house as well which will keep the system running.
The guy just extended the national emergecny for US Mexico border wall which is going to cost him nothing and America just few billions. Trump thinks that it is jesus judicious considering the intrusive arrival of Corona guys. That is why wall in & all problems out is what his economically stable mind thinks when he is sleeping hearing Jazz in his dreams.
Cant we, therefore, trust This true son of god who wanted to make america great even before his landing on earth.
Trump thinks he is lost child of new found God.
No sooner had he first landed on America soil, his mother could hear chants of Lets make america great .Such is the pure pious passion of the man to make America great again by building shining beautfiul lovely wall.
Some wise guys said never elect a construction guy as your country head else he will be good in making walls,roads and stories. Some of these wonderful stories will haunt you back as LIES with special branding for The POTUS.
As his lies keep coming so often, truths think that should have a morality change surgery. Now Truth aspires to be a trump lie in his regime in current times.
So, America will never forget itself for such a supreme BEING landing on its soil with SUCH reality distortion syndrome . As you know he believes that Corona is a HOAX of democrats and seemed to be HAUNTED reality for the GOT winner in politiics.
Hence, these things happen when magician becomes the owner of the circus. Things start disappearing at will without accountability. He is caught between love and choice. Trump wall is Donald‘s love and making america great again is his choice.