Pornography is a menace so is Dennis

Humour NEWS :Pornography is menace, we are working to curb it announced one of the government ministers.This news has sent shockwaves higher than Tsunami of 2004.

Social scientists have joined ‘art of leaving’ such complicated issues of freedom,sex and porn seekers . Teeenegers were seen looking for hard drives like Zombies.

Youths were seen praying to get enough strength and time to prepare them for the hardships of future without porn. Moms were wiping tears of these hungry porn warriors by their pallus.

Fathers were seen running door to door for hard drives to secure their child’s future. Last time when commotion and confusion of this level happened was over discontinuation of videos from hello friends,chai pi lo aunty on tiktok

Sudden surge for hard drives urges have led to crashing down of servers of Flipkart,Amazon in India. People with less memory hard drives were seen memorising various lessons of leones,Khalifas,Daniels .

They want to embed these beautiful life changing memories forever till their last breath.

Boys in the entire country were scratching their body parts such as  hands, heads,balls  and pressing stress ball infrequently.

Reporters have heard painful moans of remorse, rudali coming especially from their hostels.

Some boys are still unable to understand this harsh inhumane depressing decision of banning innocent and beautiful science of learning arts ,motions and sound

.As per youth wing activist “There is no such beautiful science as Pornography where a student learns about various complex private body parts in hearing mindblowing beethoven moans at different frequencies with application of Newton laws to the human body.

Such a vast relevant subject of pornography has been strenghting concepts of physics,biology and geographies of millions of youths across india. We will urge government to reconsider its policy on pornography.”

One of the Hollywood enthusiast  said “if  Pornography is a menace and should be banned ,why the hell Dennis,who also is the menace,still continuing in India?

Government has singal point agenda of depriving our kids the greatest subject of humanity by preventing emancipation by pornography ”.


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