Trump satire: Valentine gifts “deal of the century”

Trump satire 2024:

Donald Trump had offered the “deal of the millenium” on Valentine day. Trump administration had come out with radarless guidelines for this beautiful, lovely deal for individuals across globe applying for US citizenships.


The first preconditon in the guideline mentions eligibilty for aliens, whom humans call humans, with at least 2 times divorce history or daddy issues like Ivanka. Trump thinks that this will bring more emotional stability to American society struggling with drugs abuse and gun culture.

There is also special on arrival permanent residents status to couples with 3 divorces in the past.

Trump  administration hopes to make the great american economy greatest by boosting legal consulting business with more divorce dividends from the money minted. These divorced couples are expected to be opinion leaders for americans lef with no divorce history or merry marriages till now.

But,when the legal experts carefully read the proposal it was clear that the rules are too great even going by Trump standards of greatness.

All the applicants are expected to give consent to reply at least to 50% of the tweets by Trump. 91% foreigners gave up considering the tough conditions of the deal. Most of them thought even Trump could not do it without Russian rebels.

Hardly 9 % of the applied canddiates decided to continue the application process with the herpoetical hope of some rufffled russian intrusions or some black sheeps of white house to leak the leakings of team tweeting for turmoiled trump admin. The balance 9 percent is also expected to opt out due to the last condition of shouting“lets make America great again 5 times a day”

Dunki Democrats have criticised tyranasourgical trump administration for double speak on citizenship rules.

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