Top 10 Criminals of India In 2023:

Top 10 Criminals of India:

India has more than 1.35 billion individuals . It is a place where traditions, religions, sages are safe, sound together. But the terror of crime is still in the minds of people and criminal cases in India are increasing day by day.

The crime rate of Delhi is 974.9 per 100,000 persons. National Crime Records Bureau, Government of India published Crime in India Report in which it is termed as the highest crime rate of India. Kerala stands second in the list by 727.6 per 100,000 persons.

It might sound insignificant in terms of proportion but gives chills in the spine when we think how brutally people have been killed these days. Criminals are creating a void of terror in the human heart.

Every day nearly hundreds of people die because of crime in India. They all go unnoticed but some leave deep scar on the pysche.

Remember the blasts of 26/11. They still disturb the souls of the every adult Indian.. How two terrorists entered Indian territory and killed thousands of people just to reveal them how terror feels? This incident was a shame to humanity.

Below is the list of Top 10 criminals in India who made it unsafe to walk alone

Over here is the list of Top 10 criminals in India. Those who had played an important role in increasing the graph of criminal cases in India and made it unsafe to walk alone.

Dawood Ibrahim:

The most wanted criminal of India is Dawood Ibrahim and was also involved in many crimes in India. He is accused of murders, drug dealing, and terrorism.Dawood was born in Bombay in 1955.

These days mostly he is underground but he is still an underworld don, terrorists, and drug dealer. He founded a D-Company in the 1970s in Mumbai.

He is on the Third position on the World’s 10 Most Wanted Fugitives presented by FBI and Forbes. The D-Company is rumored to be in connection with Bollywood Industry and threaten them for money. It is widely rumoured that he has killed Gulshan Kumar and Javed Siddiqui. He was well known for extortion and threats targeted towards Bollywood.

He was the mastermind behind Bombay Bomb Blasts in 1993. It is rumored that he was in close association with Osama Bin Laden. Rumor also say that he was involved in IPL spot fixing.On May 2015, Times Now claimed that he is in Karachi, Pakistan.

Mashood Azhar:

Mashood Azhar is the leader of Jaish-e-Mohammed. This group is currently situated in Pakistan occupied Kashmir. Mashood Azhar was released in return for the hijacked Indian Airplane Flight 814. The plane was hijacked for the demand to leave Mashood Azhar from India in exchange for the innocent passenger in the flight.

Major Iqbal:

He is a major in the Pakistan army and a serving ISI officer. The mastermind of 26/11 attacks in Mumbai is Major Iqbal.He is held responsible for recruiting “David Headley.”

David Headley is a spy and an American terrorist of Pakistan army. David Headley recently informed that Major Iqbal planned the mastermind behind plotting the whole 26/11 attacks.

He mentioned that he is also recognized by the name of “Choudhry Khan.” David Headley communicated this information during his trial in Chicago. He added that Major Iqbal once informed him about some of the attackers from Pakistani Boat in September 2008. He said they lost the Pakistani boats while they were Heading towards India for blasts.

Syed Salahuddin:

Syed Salahuddin is the chief of Hizbul Mujahideen. Syed Salahuddin is managing an organization for uniting Kashmir with Pakistan.This organization is linked with ISI and the Pakistan army

Syed Salahuddin is responsible for all the blasts, fights, and attacks in Kashmir and most of the criminal cases in India.

He is currently residing in Pakistan. He is also behind the Delhi High Court attacks occurred in 2011. He runs United Jihad Council. This council retains a deep connection with Al Qaeda. National Investigator Agency lists Syed Salahuddin as Most Wanted Criminal.

Anees Ibrahim:

Anees Ibrahim is Dawood Ibrahim’s younger sibling. He is the most trusted man of Dawood Ibrahim. He is rumoured to be involved in all the accused criminal activities ike extortions, drug dealing, weapons trafficking, fake note banks in India . It is believed that he was chiefly managing all of the grim business of D- Company. He was shot in 2009 by members of a rival gang in Karachi.

Ilyas Kashmiri:

Ilyas Kashmiri is other name is Maulana Ilyas Kashmiri. He is a senior Al-Qaeda operative and head of Harkat-ul-Jihad Islamic.

Ilyas Kashmiri planned German Bakery Blasts in Pune. The bomb blast occurred on 13 February 2010 and more minor criminal cases in India. Over 17 people were killed, and 60 were injured.

It is reported in many platforms that Ilyas Kashmiri was also involved in the Soviet-Afghan War, Kashmir Conflicts, and other attacks in India. Along with these he is also held responsible for attacks in Ahmedabad, Delhi, Jaipur, and Bangalore in 2008. He himself declared that 26/11 was his plot.

The U.S designated him as a terrorist in 2010. The United States has also called him “A most dangerous man in the world.”It is believed that he was shot dead by U.S militants in 2011.

Sajid Mir:

Sajid Mir came to India in 2005 as a cricket fan. He is the commander of Lashkar-e-Tayyiba. He came to India in 2005 to work on the 26/11 project. He and David Headley were working on this project together.

Sajid Mir was contacting with the terrorists invaded the country through a safe internet line from a safe house in Karachi. Sajid Mir is currently in a run with ISI Directorate. Rumors say he has been traveling to Delhi with former armed officer Abdur Rehman Hashim.

Reshma Memon:

Reshma Memon remains the wife of Yakub Memon. She is accused of helping Yakub and Dawood in the Bombay blasts of 1993. Reshma Memon, along with her sister, was involved in many attacks and currently residing in Pakistan.

Chota Shakeel:

Chota Shakeel was born in Bombay and was named as Mohammed Shakeel Babu Miyan Shaikh. He is the crime boss of the Dawood Company, frequently known as D-Company.

He joined the D-Company in Dubai in 1988. He is held responsible for the 1993 Bombay Bomb Blasts. He was equally involved in all the criminal activities throughout his life. Chota Shakeel is responsible for remotely keeping a track of everyday activity in D-Company.

It is rumored that he had killed Chota Rajan in Bangkok.Chota Shakeel is also declared “WANTED” by the U.S. government because of his involvement in drug trafficking.Rumors say he died in 2017 in Tajikistan.

This is one of the dangerous criminal cases in India.

Abu Salem:

Abu Salem was born in 1969 in Uttar Pradesh. He is believed to be involved in many criminal cases in India like murdering, extorting and exporting arms and drugs.

It is believed that Abu Salem has invested in Bollywood Films and retains a connection with the Film industry as well. He is rumored to be responsible for murdering producer Gulshan Kumar and other Indian producers like Subhash Ghai, Rajiv Rai for money from them.

Abu Salem joined D-Company as a Driver to transport drugs and weapons. He remotely handles and indeed sends his men to Bollywood stars and producers. In January 2001, his men were rumored to shoot the personal secretary of Manisha Koirala. He is also accued of being part of the 1993 Bombay Bomb Blasts.