Medicine for Lipoma in Homeopathy: Best available options

Lipoma treatment and medicine in homeopathy:

What is lipoma?

Lipomas are localized, poorly encapsulated masses of adipose tissue (fat cells); these can be asymptomatic, create ball-valve obstructions (as with myxomas), or produce arrhythmias.
They grow beneath the skin and muscles.

Medicine for Lipoma in Homeopathy

Soft and doughy to the touch. They move easily with slight pressure. Generally small (typical lipomas are around 2 inches in diameter). They are painless, and they grow slowly. Lipoma is more commonly seen in females than in males. Between the ages of 30 and 60, lipoma appears, but it can develop at any age. Maybe lipoma can have a genetically appearing tendency as well.

Where does lipoma grow in your body?

Lipoma can grow anywhere in your body. They are harmless and commonly occur in the neck, shoulders, back, abdomen, arms, and thighs. Lipoma rarely grows in internal organs and muscles. Lipoma can be only one in the body, but some people may develop more than one and be larger in size.

Lipoma symptoms and causes:

Symptoms of lipoma are soft to touch. Present just under the skin. Slow and gradual growth. Pain (only if it presses a blood vessel)
moves easily if pushed with slight finger pressure. Returns back to its original position shortly after
 The cause of lipoma is yet to be known, but it may be inherited.

Types of lipoma:

Lipomas of this type contain fat and blood vessels, and often they are painful.

It is the most common type of lipoma and contains white fat cells, which store energy.
Fibrolipoma: a fat and fibrous tissue type of lipoma.

Spindle cell:
These types of lipomas have fat cells that are longer.

These types of lipomas contain fat tissue, which produces blood cells.

These types of lipoma have fat cells that vary in shape and size.

Lipoma diagnosis:

For diagnosis, there are many ways. The first can be done by a biopsy test.

More processes involve:
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Computed tomography
From the above test, we can diagnose whether it is a cyst or a lipoma.
If the fatty lump is painful and has swelling, it may be of sarcoma character. From all the tests we can detect. and also through the surgery process, it can be removed on the basis of individual choice.

Lipoma treatment by homeopathic medicine:

Belladonna is best for lipoma when it is painful. The pain may worsen when touching the lump.

Baryta carb is another effective remedy for lipoma. Baryta carb. is suitable for people who are backward mentally and physically. They are dwarfish and take cold easily. They are very sensitive to cold, very offensive foot sweat, very weak and weary, and must sit, lie down, or lean on something.

Calcarea carb is one of the top remedies for lipoma. Calcarea carb. people are fatty and flabby, and they have a tendency to excessively sweat on the head. They are sensitive to cold air. Calcarea carbs: people have a special craving for boiled eggs and indigestible things like lime and chalk. In some cases, long-standing constipation and acidity may be associated with lipoma.

Sulphur is an excellent constitutional drug for the treatment of lipoma. Sulphur patients experience extreme hot sensations in the body. The heat may be more marked in the palms, soles, and head. The skin looks dirty, and it is dry. There is a history of skin complaints. Sulfur people have a marked aversion to bathing. They have a craving for sweets.

Thuja Occidentalis:
Thuja has the great power of dissolving fatty accumulations. Thuja is prescribed when the person with lipoma has high cholesterol levels.

Calcarea flour:
Calcarea flour is prescribed when it is stony-hard in nature.