Nirmala Sitharaman Net Worth 2024: Assets, Salary, cars, jewellery

Nirmala Sitharaman Net Worth: Rs 3 Crores

Nirmala Sitharaman Net Worth is estimated to be around Rs 3 Crores.

Nirmala Sitharaman’s financial holdings and property details are covered in this article..This article details her immovable and movable assets, jewelry, cash, bank fixed deposits, as well as specific items like a scooter and land holdings. The breakdown of Nirmala Sitharaman’s wealth shows a diversified portfolio, including investments in real estate and precious metals.

Nirmala Sitharaman Net Worth

The major portion of Nirmala Sitharaman wealth is in immovable property, primarily land holdings valued at Rs. 1,87,60,200. It Shows a strategic approach to wealth diversification, considering the stability and potential appreciation associated with land.

Movable assets, valued at Rs. 63,39,196, add to the dynamic aspect of her financial portfolio, adding flexibility and liquidity. The inclusion of jewelry, including gold and silver, further diversifies her tangible assets.

Nirmala Sitharaman Net Worth

Nirmala Sitharaman’s cash holdings and bank fixed deposits show a conservative approach to wealth management, emphasizing liquidity and capital preservation. The mention of a Bajaj Chetak scooter as a vehicle asset adds a personal touch to the financial profile, showing practical mobility needs.

The extension of a loan to family members underscores her commitment to supporting loved ones, reflecting a sense of financial responsibility. Simultaneously, holding a loan amounting to Rs. 30,44,838 suggests a strategic use of leverage in her overall financial strategy.

Nirmala Sitharamans salary per month:

Nirmala Sitharamans basic salary is Rs 70,000, Constituency Allowance: Rs 49,000 per month, Office Expense Allowance: Rs 54,000 per month.

2. Travelling Allowance (TA) and Travel Facilities
(aTravelling Allowance
By Rail: One free non-transferable First class AC or Executive class of any train pass and one First class and one Second class fare.
By Air: One and one-fourth airfare of the airlines in which the member travels.
By Road: Rs 16 per km.

b) Travel Facilities

(i) Air Travel Facility: Every member has been given the facility to avail 34 single air journeys during a year with a spouse or any number of companions or relatives.
(ii) Rail Travel Facility: A member, on the strength of the Identity Card, is entitled to travel at any time by any railway in India in a first class air-conditioned or executive class.
(iii) Facilities for Spouse of a Member: One free non-transferable railway pass to travel in a first class air-conditioned or executive class in any train, and if travelling by air, an amount equal to the airfare.
(iv) The spouse is entitled to travel in a first class air-conditioned or executive class in all the trains with the member from any place in India to any other place in India.

3. Accommodation
(i) Transit Accommodation
(ii) Regular Accommodation
Each member is entitled to a rent-free flat or hostel accommodation throughout the term of office. A member allotted housing accommodation in the form of a Bungalow on request shall pay a full normal licence fee is entitled to such accommodation.

‌Members of Lok Sabha or their families can retain Government Accommodation for a maximum period of one month after their term ends or resignation/removal.

(iii) Guest Accommodation: The guests of members can avail accommodation at Western Court Hostel, Janpath.
(iv) Other Facilities: Other facilities enjoyed by members include washing of sofa covers and curtains every three months; furniture within the monetary ceiling of Rs 60,000 in respect of durable furniture and Rs 15,000 for non-durable furniture; and also 25 per cent remission in the rents on account of any improvement or addition made to it or any additional service provided thereto by way of furniture, electrical equipment and other services.

4. Telephone Facilities:
A member is entitled to have three telephones, out of which at least one telephone should be installed at residence or office in Delhi and one at the usual place of residence or a place selected by the member.

‌50,000 local calls during a year are free on each of the three telephones.

# These 50,000 free local calls can be clubbed together which comes to 1,50,000 local calls in a year.

5. Water and Electricity:

4000 kilolitre of water and 50,000 units of electricity (25,000 units measured on light meter and 25,000 units measured on power meter or pooled together) per annum beginning from 1 January of every year is supplied free of cost at the residence allotted to a member in Delhi/New Delhi or to a member residing in private.

6. Medical Facilities
# A Member of Parliament is entitled to the same medical facilities as are available to the Class-I officers of Central Civil Services, under Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS).

7. Advance for Purchase of Conveyance
# Up to Rs 4,00,000 is advanced to a member for the purchase of conveyance.

So to summarize the different categories:

50,000 -Fixed 45,000 -Constituency Allowance 45,000 -Office Allowance 34,000 -Airfare 33,333 -Electricity 31,666 -Arrear 52,833 -Other Allowances 2,91,833 -Total

In total, Nirmala Sitharaman’s salary per month is Rs. 2918333

This breakdown not only provides information into Nirmala Sitharaman’s financial situation but also offers a glimpse into her investment choices, financial priorities, and the pragmatic aspects of her wealth management approach.