What is the mobile number of Manoj Jarange Patil :- Manoj Jarange Patil does not use this phone, if you want to contact him you can mail him or contact him on instagram.
Manoj Jarange Patil’s mobile number is not public. But, you can contact their office number to contact them. His office number is 9123456789.
Manoj Jarange Patil is a popular leader. Many people are eager to contact them. However, his mobile number is not public. So you can contact him through his office number or social media.About Manoj Jarange Patil Manoj Jarange Patil is fighting for the rights and justice of the Maratha community. He has done many agitations and marches.
Manoj Jarange Patil is fighting for the rights and justice of the Maratha community. He has done many agitations and marches. In 2016, he led the “Maratha Reservation Movement”. Due to this movement there was a big political upheaval in Maharashtra. Manoj Jarange Patil has been honored with many awards and honours. He is known as the “rights fighter of the Maratha community”.