Central Government Offices to Close Half-Day for Ram Mandir Pran Patishtha Ceremony on 22 Jan. 2024

is 22 January a holiday for central government employees?

In an important announcement on Thursday, the Central Government declared a half-day closure for all central government offices on January 22, 2024, in honor of the Ram Mandir Pran Patishtha ceremony. This decision comes in response to the overwhelming sentiment expressed by employees and numerous requests received by the government.

Central Government Offices to Close Half-Day for Ram Mandir Pran Patishtha Ceremony

The official communication from the Central Government stated, “Due to the overwhelming sentiment of the employees and requests from them, Central Government announces half-day closing till 2:30 pm on 22nd January 2024, at all Central Government offices, Central institutions and Central industrial establishments throughout India on the occasion of Ram Temple pranpratishtha ceremony.”

Central Government Offices to Close Half-Day for Ram Mandir Pran Patishtha Ceremony

The announcement highlights the government’s recognition of the cultural and religious significance attached to the Ram Mandir Pran Patishtha ceremony. By granting a half-day closure, the government admits the importance of this event in the hearts and minds of the employees, allowing them the opportunity to participate in or observe the ceremony.

This decision aligns with the government’s commitment to fostering an inclusive environment that respects and accommodates diverse cultural and religious celebrations. Acknowledging the sentiments of the employees and responding positively to their requests reflects a responsive and considerate approach on the part of the Central Government.

The move reflects an understanding of the importance of the ceremony in the cultural and religious fabric of the nation. By allowing employees the flexibility to participate or engage in activities related to the Ram Mandir Pran Patishtha, the Central Government promotes a sense of inclusivity and respect for diverse beliefs within the workforce.

The announcement of a half-day closure for central government offices on January 22, 2024 for Ram Mandir Pran Patishtha ceremony, reflects a nuanced approach by the Central Government.

The importance of the event, coupled with the sentiments of citizens, has prompted state governments to close educational institutions and government offices, allowing people to partake in the day’s festivities and celebrations. Here is an overview of the states that have declared holidays in observance of the Ram Mandir Pran Patishtha ceremony:

Uttar Pradesh:

Uttar Pradesh, the epicenter of the much-awaited ceremony, has declared a holiday on January 22. UP government has mandated the closure of educational institutions and government offices, aligning with the central government’s decision to grant a half-day closure for its offices. This move reflects the state’s commitment to facilitating widespread participation in the celebrations surrounding the consecration of the Ram Mandir.


In the coastal state of Goa, Chief Minister Pramod Sawant has issued a decree for the closure of government offices and schools on January 22. Encouraging citizens to embrace the joy and enthusiasm reminiscent of Diwali, the announcement underscores the cultural significance and emotional resonance that the Ram Mandir Pran Patishtha holds for people across the country. By declaring a holiday, Goa provides its residents with the opportunity to partake in the nationwide celebration.

Madhya Pradesh:

Chief Minister Mohan Yadav of Madhya Pradesh has joined the league of states announcing a public holiday on January 22. The decision to close government offices and institutions aligns with the broader recognition of the historic importance attached to the Ram Mandir Pran Patishtha ceremony. Madhya Pradesh, echoing the sentiments of the citizens, ensures that its residents have the freedom to participate in or witness the event without the constraints of work or educational commitments.

Other States:

While the mentioned states have taken proactive steps to declare holidays, it is anticipated that additional states may follow suit, recognizing the cultural and religious significance of the Ram Mandir Pran Patishtha ceremony. The enthusiasm and anticipation surrounding this historic event have created a ripple effect, prompting governments across the country to consider the emotional importance attached to the day.
