Best route to reach Ram mandir in Ayodhya from other locations
One has to identify what is the location from which they are coming in order to reach Ayodhya Ram Mandir. If somoene is coming from within India and by Air, the neareest airport are Aoydhya, Lucknow, Gorakhpur,Allahabad Prayagraj, Varanasi Airports.
Best route to reach Ram mandir in Ayodhya by train
By Air : Many airlines have started operating from Major cities to Mahirishi Valmiki International Airport Ayodhya which is approximately 10 km from Ayodhya Dham . One can also reach from Lucknow ,Gorakhpur, Prayagraj and Varanasi Airports.
For international Travellers ,LUCKNOW is the closest International Airport. From Lucknow it will be around 130 kms by raod travel.
By Train : Faizabad and Ayodhya are major railway stations of the district and are well connected to almost all major cities and towns. By Rail route Ayodhya is 128 kms. from Lucknow, 171 kms. from Gorakhpur, 157 kms. from Allahabad and 196 kms from Varanasi. By Rail route Ayodhya is 135 kms. from Lucknow, 164 kms. from Gorakhpur, 164 kms. from Prayagraj and 189 kms from Varanasi.
By Road : Services of Uttar Pradesh Transport Corporation buses are available 24 hours a day, and it is very easy to reach here from all places. The city is about 130 k.m. from Lucknow, 200 k.m. from Varanasi, 160 k.m. from Prayagraj , 140 k.m. from Gorakhpur and about 636 k.m. from Delhi. Buses are frequently available from Lucknow,Delhi and Gorakhpur. Buses are also available from Varanasi, Prayagraj and other places as per their schedule.